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I don't know

Such a confusing day man! And there when I was about to hit the menu, my eyes fall on the red blink of mu cell phone. It said I've had a missed call. Maybe mom? I wondered and checked it. No! It was an unknown number but when I dialled it out, the response was so much known to me. I was blocked from the other side.
It's the same number I had learnt over night so that I can call that number even if I don't have my own phone. I checked the number and yes, it turned out to be the same here. Why was it so? Why did he call me? I can't take his words 'I miss you'. I'm so much sure that he wouldn't say it too. But what was that he needed to talk about? Did he call me by mistake after all that had happened? I mean agter shouting at me and then blocking me forever and never even turning back to the place I hunt around. He's been missing for so long and turned around now with this really confusing signal. Did he wish to shout on me? But I'm no more in any contact with him. Maybe he was drunk. Maybe he needed some help or maybe he really broke up with that bitc*. My head's burning of confusion and the answer to all my queries is— I don't know and I don't care.
If he had some real reasons, he would call or I would forget this call from an unknown number.
I just don't know how should I react to his words. I don't know if he'd be nice or rude. I don't know if he'd be hurting me or giving me some useful painkillers for the pain I'm holdin' on in my heart for so long.
I don't know... I really don't know!


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