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Showing posts from May, 2018

Why not?

Future is uncertain but death isn't. You won't just leave a pale body or your wealth but an image in their minds too! Hey, Sorry for beinf inactive! Here I want to discuss about the severe cause of problems in one's life. Oops! Well, there cannot be discussions in here(lol) and the only choice you've got is to read because who doesn't want to solve their problems? So here I go... Isn't it that more than acceptions, we long for rejections. Well, it's not about proposals so get it out of your brain. I am talking about the help people ask you for. Okay! Here comes the need of example. I go explaining my question further. Has it ever happened to you that some of your long lost(old would've sounded aged) friend called you and after the formal greetings they came asking you for a help? Ofcourse it had happened with almost all of us. But how many do really help? A handful? While the others say the 'no' thing that you tell yourself ...