It's been such a long time since I'd been thinking about this question asked by almost everyone when I told them I barely talk to these guys of my age. 'What's so wrong?' Well, now I've the answer to their 'what's so wrong' and it is that they are immature. No wait, everyone else at a certain point is so was I and I guess I still am but somewhere I've got this strong feeling that I'm growing up with each damage. So now what do I find so wrong about being immature? It's being unaware of the fact and faking maturity. Telling someone about being mature doesn't define it but that's what every second guy does at this age. Don't they? Let me just show you an imaginary conversation and I bet y'all can relate to it even if it's imaginary— 'It's ok babe just forget about the past. You know everyone isn't same.' 'It's not about being same or different. It's just that I...